We need a strategy to protect our time and attention from the hedonistic hazards of the digital superhighway. Three ideas can help.
The Conversation at Hand vs. the Device in Hand
It is a digital age quandary that the ability to communicate is right at our fingertips, but so too are distractions and diversions that often discourage communication. Smart choices between the conversation at hand and the device in hand can help us make the most of abundant opportunities to connect.
The Sound of One Hand Clicking
Communication requires that our messages are received and understood, but self-expression doesn’t require either one. Avoid conflating self-expression with communication, and your clicks will have more meaning.
Smells Like McNuggets in Here
The quick, cheap, and easy communication environment that characterizes the digital age bears a striking resemblence to fast food. Time for us to consider a diet.
Lend Me Your Ears
Effective listening is a powerful interpersonal force for good. Don’t dribble away the force with bad listening habits.