This year, dump the clichés and communicate a Valentine’s Day message that’s meaningful and real.

If all is well with you and your Valentine, think of a legitimate compliment that you can give the special person in your life. The best compliments are short, accurate, and sincere: “I’m glad to be married to such a great listener; thanks for always making the time to let me talk”, “Thanks for your love and support for the past few difficult months; I’m grateful”, or “You’re such a great role model for the kids; I’m glad you’re my husband.”

Saying something real and meaningful means that you don’t head for the gushiest cards in the aisle if your relationship is going through a rough patch. You’ll run the risk of your message being perceived as inauthentic unless you pick a card and write a short message that you can actually get behind, like “Although the past few weeks have been tough for both of us, I believe that what we have together is worth trying to fix. I’m glad we’re working to make things better. Happy Valentine’s Day.”

Celebrate Valentine’s Day by giving the gift of a meaningful human connection. It’s what people really want.

For tips that will make every day special, buy a copy of Stop Talking, Start Communicating. Autographed copies are available online at Brace Books.

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