Communication multitasking isn’t cost free. We only have the mental bandwidth to be fully present in one conversation at a time.
Outsmart Your Smartphone
We need a strategy to protect our time and attention from the hedonistic hazards of the digital superhighway. Three ideas can help.
Don’t Catch My Drift
Conversational drift impedes goals. Three actions prevent drift and give your goals the best chance of success.
T is for Tangent…and Trouble
Tangents tug conversations away from their underlying purpose. If your conversation matters, there are four good reasons not to indulge tangents.
The Conversation at Hand vs. the Device in Hand
It is a digital age quandary that the ability to communicate is right at our fingertips, but so too are distractions and diversions that often discourage communication. Smart choices between the conversation at hand and the device in hand can help us make the most of abundant opportunities to connect.